Canine Distemper Virus Antibody(CDVAb)

Canine Distemper Virus Antibody(CDVAb)

Standard: 10 pieces/box Storage: cold storage 2-8℃ Time:10 min Sample: plasma


Indicator for vaccine

Vaccine produce antibodies

Antibody level shows animal’s defense ability

Antibody tests indicate the effect of vaccine directly

Advantages of joint tests

Antibodies are immunoglobins produced by the immune system when the canine is infected by pathogens, and it can help animals resist pathogen infection. Testing CDV and CDV Ab level, helps to evaluate canine’s defense ability and their possibility of infection by pathogens. We are able to achieve more precise diagnosis and accurate treatment.


10 min rapid test

Show results to pet owners

About CPV

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) causes upper respiratory symptoms, severe gastrointestinal diseases, and neurological symptoms. It spreads all year round but peaks up in winter and spring. It is strongly infectious with a high mortality rate at 80%. Testing CDV Ab can evaluate the possibility of infection by pathogens and the defense ability effectively.

When to test antibody?

1: Before and after first vaccination: avoid interference of the high maternal antibody and leads to failed vaccination

2: Before and after supplementary vaccination: whether to proceed with extra vaccination and ensure effective immunity

3: During treatment: depending on the virus concentration and antibody level, the veterinary can assess the severity, treatment, and prognosis of the disease.

4: body checkups: monitoring the immunity, lowering the incidence

5: Perioperative: evaluate the risks

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